no weapon mod like that exists in the vanilla game.
no weapon mod like that exists in the vanilla game.
Exactly. Mine got the large bayonet as well.
Suicide meaning: if you shoot something that is close to you, YOU take explosive damage too?
On the whole, I like the "Legendary" thing. But I think they took it too far. Some of the effects are just silly. What would have been more pleasing to me would be if effects like "fire, explosive, etc." came from ammo not from the gun itself. How exactly does a shotgun add fire or explosive effects to every round it expels!?
yes they do. My PC has only rank one in explosives, but i think (counting from the number of explosions and the impact one shot makes (suicide danger at level 60 w/o PA) that each pellet of a shell has the 15 damage bonus. Heard that it was 8 pellets, but I'm not a 100% sure about that..
I wonder what the total damage will be with explosives maxed^^
btw now base damage is vanilla version.
pray n spray..overpowered for the good...i love it..
Should have just kept ammo types from NV.
Found my self a Gauss rifle today with penetration perk (ignoring 30% of targets defense) so with rifleman i now have 60% armor ignore.
From what I understand the legendary effect is applied to each pellet of the shotgun so each one does 15 explosive damage. I believe it's 8 pellets. And it does scale with explosives perk so with max explosives perk you could be doing 240 extra damage per shot if all pellets hit. You do run the risk of blowing yourself up though, same as any explosion. Not sure the exact radius of the explosion but you can kill yourself with it.
I killed a Legendary Mythic Deathclaw and got a bloodied rolling pin, now im The Baker!
Legendary Deathclaw Gauntlet with the ignoring DR affix/Bleed afix, or more damage affix, Personally I go with the DR one, plus the misc mods for the greaves of armor. It's hilarious to see it slice through mirelurks with incredible ease.
I've read the double shot weapons don't tell the doubled damage, but only the base damage, for only first bullet shot.
What base damage does your Double Shot Gauss have ?
just found an irritated gatlin laser. does an extra 50 points of rad dmg. havent modded it yet. think it's any good?
Somewhere in the range of 800, displayed damage will also vary based on perks though. And it can get bugged with certain consumables.
Presumably that is "extra 50 PER bullet"? In which case, yeah that sounds disgustingly OP!
sure but only on enemies that aren't immune to radiation. won't be any different than a regular minigun on just about everything but humans.
Very true. I don't even bother with the gamma gun for that reason.
I got an irradiated plasma rifle a while back that does 10 radiation on top of the plasma damage. I have max points in Nuclear Physicist so that should boost that bit of radiation damage (I'm not sure if that really affects irradiated weapons or not, I got it to let my power armor last longer) and I have points in Commando so I made it automatic. It eats up my plasma cartridges like crazy but it will drop heavy enemies ridiculously quick.
The Last Minute - Legendary Gauss Rifle that does an extra 50% limb damage. Unless you are blessed with the luck of the gods to find one with the double shot perk then this is the best Gauss Rifle I think you can get. Gotta do the first 4 or so Minuteman quests to get access to it though.
I also have a Plasma Infused .50 cal sniper that does an extra 10 energy damage and has a chance to turn enemies to goo. I really, REALLY wish there was a way to share guns between characters (would be too broken for new characters starting out, I know) because I plan on making my second character a stealth sniper. I give this one to whoever my current follower is and it lets them do good damage without using a lot of ammo.
ill give it a try and mod it. no doubt the rad damage wouldn't effect ghouls, deathclaws, etc.