Minutemen: Good guys
Brotherhood of Steel: Basically good guys
The Railroad: Basically good guys
The Institute: Basically good guys
Need a Raider faction DLC.
Minutemen: Good guys
Brotherhood of Steel: Basically good guys
The Railroad: Basically good guys
The Institute: Basically good guys
Need a Raider faction DLC.
The Brotherhood is pretty totalitarian and fascist. I'd say they're kinda evil...
"Are there dismembered corpses hanging from the walls? No? Good guys."
The Institute are totally the good guys. They are the force for the future, striding ahead of the ignorant reactionaries who would keep humanity in squalor.
Railroad are the bad guys. I sure didn't feel like a good guy with that ending.
Yeah! They totally make the trains run on time!
If by "humanity" you mean "the Institute and only the Institute". There's something about brushing off 100% of surface dwellers as less than radroaches and actively assassinating/sabotaging them that makes me not roll with their good guy status.
Militaristic and expansive, but necessary to survive in a raider- and mutant-filled wasteland. Like the security of Caesar's Legion, but without the slave fetish or actively waging warfare on sovereign nations: their involvement in the Commonwealth is anti-Institute because they fear misuse of Synths, yet actively aid settlers and traders (even if it's for good will and profit) and attack dangerous elements. Humans Only policy might seem draconian now, but... let's just say even Maxson can have an open mind.
So... "everyone who isn't us is trash and deserves to die so we can go ahead and live in massive luxury alone" versus "damn fallout nature, you scary, what say we protect these humans in exchange for supplies".
Minutemen- Extortionist thugs pretending to be the good guys. They caved to their greed once, they'll do it again.
BoS- Xenophobic technocrats. Fist step is ghouls and mutants, but who knows how far down that path they will go. Same with tech control. Are water pumps too advanced for us common rabble?
Railroad- An ununified, heavily armed group of "freedom fighters" who can't decide if they want to stop at 3rd gen synths, or start liberating toasters too. Requires zealot like devotion to "the cause".
The Institute- They make their own slaves. They abduct people for experimentation. They sabotage communities to prevent mankind from pulling itself out of the mud. Everyone not them is a radroach.
So far, the only group that acts out of the kindness of their collected hearts is the Atom Cats*. They keep the gunners in line, and help out local farmers. They even organize community events!
What this game needs, is an honest, Good faction.
*I'm almost tempted to lump the citizens of Goodneighbor in with them, but I'm not lumping the cities in with the factions.
Let me rephrase.
Need a faction that isnt so organized and orderly. Something more chaotic aka Raiders.
A faction that is focused on doing exactly that, raiding, pillaging, burning and destroying. Attack civilian farms and settlements, kill everyone, loot it all and take it over as a raider outpost etc.
Aaaah. Now we're talking
I'd love to start my own little band of mercinaries. Hire them out to caravans or order them to hit buildings with me. That would be fun
I do this. To raiders. I am the Raider-Raider! Bow before me!