I want more of everything, especially settlements, and I want it right now.
I want more of everything, especially settlements, and I want it right now.
Once GECK becomes available new settlement features will become kind of redundant for PC players as all kinds of things can be added to settlement building then with little hassle. There for It would make sense for Bethesda to release new features for it early to appease console users due to them having a lot less building options once it becomes available which will (even more so), flood the forums with alot of negativity and trolling. And yes I'm not forgetting about mods supposedly coming to console but that is a long while away yet if it even happens.
OP: You DO realize this game was not made *just* for you, right?
And that settlement building and management is one of the most popular new features among players who are not you?
Bethesda, please make DLC the same way you made it for Skyrim and Morrowind: two major story DLCs that add to every aspect of the base game, including settlements, and then a few free patches and some cheapo-DLC that adds new content in a way that modders can't perfectly emulate.
One of the nice things about the modding community is that Bethesda couldn't pull off a $2 "Badass Armor Pack" or "Build Pre-War houses" DLC if they tried, and considering their history with DLC and their desire to get mods on all platforms they probably don't even want to try.
This is my fear as well, that they will go all into farmiville territory. I feel settlement building has no place in fallout. Thats why ive not brought the dlc pass yet as i feel they will turn this game more into fallout sims.
Same thing applies to you, there are many who feel the same way as op and i give you your words right back at you.
If anything I imagine it will follow same sort of designs as Skyrim - so perhaps a settlement focused DLC a la Hearthfire, but the main DLCs will be probably be full-content ones.
Just my guess, obviously - but I don't think you need to worry that DLC will be all settlement-based and a certainly expect to see some new areas.
I'm obsessed with the settlement building aspect of the game, so I obviously disagree with the OP. That said, I think we'll get a good mix of dlc. Fallout 3 dlc scratched a lot of different itches, and I don't see why that would change now.
Settlement building is awfully annoying. I hope they will add new locations like Point Lookout.
My only real complaint beyond having no idea what every settler is assigned to (I know you can give them hats or clothing to make identification easier, but I've over a hundred settlers so that is not going to be an easy task at this point), is of course the false reporting bug (which for me means no fast travel away from near a Recruitment Beacon) and the attack system being flawed with sometimes no warning of an attack, or no actual attack when you respond and then the invisible stomping monster that destroys the crops in front of you.......so, aside from those flaws I've enjoyed the settlement building. However the bugs are beginning to become to make it more irritating than enjoyable so I'm considering skipping it in future playthroughs or taking the option of convincing them all to join the Brotherhood once i've got past the constructing stage.
I agree with you I hope at least 5 dlc involving new lands and quests as seen in Fallout 3.
But it would be nice if they added some features to settlements in free dlc like they did in Skyrim
I don't really see the need for an settlement DLC unlike it make totally new functions like raider camps.
Mods will do the work in expanding settlement features very nicely.
Yes if they add new landmasses it makes sense to lets us put up a couple of settlements as bases.