The problem is that it's the only power armor mod at the highest level (4 armorer, 4 science), and that the utility and sheer awesomness of the mighty jetpack makes all other torso mods undesireable. Are you willing to sacrifice a jetpack for a tesla damage field? I certainly am not.
The solution to this lack of variety in end-game power armor mods is to add a second mod designed to augment exploration that also requires 4 armorer, 4 science. I propose a new torso mod called "Jump Capacitors", which deplete the fusion core to charge up an awesome superjump.
Essential Features
- Holding down the jump key/button uses AP to charge a superjump.
- At max charge, the jump would be about 25% higher than the jetpack can reach.
- At max charge, the effect that normally triggers when you land from a large fall (stagger shockwave) will trigger as you blast off, and again when you land. If explosive vents are installed, these will also activate on both takeoff and landing.
- Charging up a jump depletes your fusion core significantly (5-10% per jump)
Wish List
- Use the effect that occurs when you shoot a power core in an enemy's power armor (fusion core glows, seemingly overheating) as the jump is charging to indicate that lots of energy is accumulating in the suit
- A unique effect on the legs (arcing electricity perhaps?) during the jump and during charging.
- unique animation for the charging and jumping
I think with these basic features, Jump Capacitors would be balanced similarly to the jetpack in that while you get a little less control of your flight path, you get more combat utility. A max charge could damage leg health if further balancing is required. Jump height could also be optimized for any balance issues. With this mod, you could have different power armor suits with different gameplay features, without the sometimes ugly jetpack on the back of your suit. I, for one, would put them on a flames X-01 suit (red eyes of course) in a heartbeat. Helljumper build? yes please.
Please post with your support if you think this is a good idea!!! I certainly do, and I hope this gets noticed and implemented.