I would like to dedicate a thread where we can go to point out the little things in the game that made us smile.
This thread will likely wind up containing spoilers so please keep that in mind when scrolling through.
- I really love the fact that when many enemies (Most notably robots) take limb damage you can actually see the damage on their body.
- I love being able to put armor/clothing on my settlers and companions, especially Codsworth, Dogmeat, and Strong.
- The new Power armor mechanic is the bees knees.
- Curie is just the cutest damn thing.
- The ability to purchase brahmin and guard dogs makes me love settlement building even more.
- The return of random events is something I was literally praying for and Bethesda failed to disappoint.
- Those synth gorillas are really cool and I'm expecting a gorilla companion later on down the road.
- I know many of you may disagree with me on this but I'm still going to say it. Having the perks be based on the type of weapon (semi/full auto rifles, pistols, heavy) rather than simply energy weapons and conventional firearms has proved to be the wisest decision pertaining to perks that could have been made as there are simply not enough variations in weapons right now. I would have hated to put 4 perks into energy weapons only to find out there are only 3-4 worth using. ?
- I was pleasantly surprised at how well this game functions on consoles. Idc what you all say, it really JUST WORKS.
?Please leave comments on the tiny things in the game that made you smile. I really want to hear some more GOOD things about this game as I am sick and tired of everyone hating on it.