From a die-hard Fallout 3 and New Vegas fan, I am extremely disappointed in Fallout 4.
Don't get me wrong, it's a great shooter. It's just a bad RPG, when compared to the previous games.
The dialogue wheel is just sickening. No matter what you choose to say, the ending of each interaction is almost exactly the same. This completely destroys any concept of having a unique character. The only element of RP in Fallout 4 when conversing with others is: inevitable dialogue conclusion, or mass murder whoever you're talking to. That's not RP!
As I said before, Fallout 4 is a great shooter. I honestly had a lot of fun killing things in the wasteland, but the sole reason that I loved the Fallout franchise was for the RP- being able to craft your own character and getting a unique ending based on all the choices you made with each and every interaction throughout the game. Aside from choosing your faction, your ending is set in stone.
In the previous Fallout games, even your stat choices affected your dialogue, actions, quest outcomes and overall story craft. Here, the sole purpose of choosing stats is to kill shyt. 99% of the time, having 10/10 charisma just gives you the same damn answer that you would have got, or a few extra caps. Aside from that, maxing out any other skill gives you no edge while meeting people.
I mean, look at the Megaton side quest in Fallout 3 as an example. Not only did you need specific skill points in explosives to even make certain choices but you could actually choose the outcome of the quest!! Aside from the boring main quests, when the hell does that happen in Fallout 4?! I chose the minutemen ending... Sorry, I didn't do research and read up on spoilers to figure out which ending not to choose. There should be no bad ending in a Fallout game! It shouldn't even be possible! Not to mention all the repetitive, pointless and boring settlement quests! Preston Garvey can go to Hell!
I crafted a character with high charisma and intelligence. I thought that I would have a unique adventure where I could talk my way out of situations, be a quick-witted smart ass with some hilarious dialogue, converse with scientists and medics, hell, maybe even have a few quests unique to my character- like the Repconn ghoul quest in New Vegas. Instead, I got a boring old man looking for Shaun. That was the whole fkn game.
I thought I'd be starting a new file right about now to craft an entirely new story. Instead, I'm looking for a new franchise entirely.