Soup kitchen manager or wasteland hero?

Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:25 pm

Hi all,first post here..apologies if this post treads on old ground.

So...Thought i'd give the settlement/minutemen thing a go before going to DC..i'm now level 37 and have twenty settlements,three of which are maxed with the remainder having six inhabitants each.(some of the time)..haven't made it to DC yet...poor Dad I guess..:)

The title of this post has become my dilemna as I don't envisage ever having enough time to got to DC!! I know i'm a bit OCD about building

settlements and as such take time doing it,so much so that when I finish a settlement at least five or six of my others are then overpopulated.i.e.

newcomers have arrived that don't have beds to go to.This was useful at first as I wanted to build up my three major settlements so i'd just move the newcomers to them.But know it's a pain as my big settlements are full and the buggers keep arriving..the're relentless.Do I switch off the beacons or

do I have to max out every single settlement? Will they just keep arriving anyhow?

Another thing that occurs (I know there are issues with the way the pipboy reports settlement stats) is that I have warning triangles next to some settlements happiness that are more than adequately I go there and ask if all is well and get the same ol' same ol' routine?? Do the hazard signs warn of impending attacks?? Can't figure it out as all of my settlements have at least double defence (of the sum of water and food).

Anyhoo,i'd be interested in anyone's two cents on this.:))



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Chris Ellis
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