So I've spent a long time reading about .ini settings, tweaking, testing... but I'm still getting occasional CTD. I'm wondering if anybody has the time to look over my .ini files, mod list, or load order to see if anything stands out as a problem. If it helps, I followed the SRLE guide, added some REGS stuff and a few other mods, but always made sure to properly re-do patches (merged, bashed, skyproc stuff, etc). I'm not new to modding and patching, and I can't see any serious conflicts in TESVEdit. The crashes are instant; no error message or freezing, just straight to desktop.
Links to my system specs, ini files, mod list, load order, and papyrus logs can be found
I'm going to spend some time going through the troubleshooting guide on the sidebar when I can, but would appreciate some tips in the meantime.
Thank in advance.