Exactly. Amongst other things. There are several things you can do to / betray different companions that are especially evil and vile.
The difference is that Fallout 4's evil is not cartoonish, over-the-top, cartoonish villainy. It is real, evil decisions, that are self-serving and hurt other people. The difference between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 is that in Fallout 4 you may have very good reasons for committing these evil acts - and not just for the psychotic kicks.
Fallout 4 also does not use a karma meter to go "BING! You just did evil! Frowny face!" It expects you to make your own decisions for you own reasons, and recognize yourself when you've just sentenced a bunch of people to die, or committed an act that made Judas look like a team-player.