(Spoilers ahead friends!)
Okay, so let me first preface: I'm not saying the story isn't fun. That's actually not the issue at all. There's lots of fun to be had in the story.
The problem is that it is not scripted well at all, and this is where it's just sapping my will to load up the game altogether.
So I did what I do in just about every Bethesda game (well, every game in general): AVOID THE STORY AT ALL COSTS until it's either necessary to progress in side quests, or I've finished all of the non-tedious side quests I can find. About 60 hours in, I finally decided it was time to resume where I left off in the story, after doing all of the Railroad, Brotherhood, and Minutemen faction side quests and world side quests that I could.
(Again, spoilers ahead friends)
I'm basically playing with all of the factions until they force me to choose one, to maximize my questing and stuff to do. And this is where it becomes obvious that they should have forced you to pick one faction and then never let you interact with the others again. Either that or they should have took the time to test and implement the alternative properly.
I built the teleporter with the Minutemen, but the Railroad interacts like they were the ones to help me build it.
I had a couple quests to turn in to Desdemona, but she wouldn't let me turn them in until I promised to give up the Minutemen in favor of the Railroad.
Despite not informing the Brotherhood at all about Bunker Hill, not only did they show up (maybe they do anyway), but all of the interactions indicate that I informed them and not the Railroad (the opposite is true).
On and on and on and on. I don't even know what ending I'm going to get when the game itself doesn't seem to have a clue what the hell I'm actually doing.