Missing Flare Gun

Post » Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:27 pm

At some point along my journeys, my flare gun has gone missing. I swear I once had 2, and now have none. I may have dismantled them in the zeal of building a settlement, thinking "yeah, more will turn up". They haven't.

I can not, for the life of me, track anymore down. I have no clue where to look. Been to every vendor, everywhere. I would have to backtrack over a day of gameplay (3 days actually...) to find the save with a flare gun.

I don't want to lose this much game time, as I just finished building a couple settlements so I don't want to start fresh. I would start a new game at that point, but that's a painful enough thought to make me not want to play again for months...
Can someone help?
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