Hello. I've been reading this board from beginning and it seems the game is still buggy. Is it worth to wait a longer time for it become patched up more and playable? If so, then about how long should i wait?
Hello. I've been reading this board from beginning and it seems the game is still buggy. Is it worth to wait a longer time for it become patched up more and playable? If so, then about how long should i wait?
Don't read the bug report forum to see if the game will definitely be buggy for you - most of the people in here have odd computer settings or hardware issues.
The game runs perfectly fine for me. Usual smattering of Bethesda bugs, but related to quest mixups (also not happening to me, and otherwise nothing that can't be fixed by using the console to progress quests, or reload earlier savegame).
You can buy it quite safely assuming your computer works well.
I thing you should buy it, if you have any problems just join us, and the rest is history.
But watch out, your computer should meat at least the min. req., otherwise it will be a short ride!
TIP: Any integraded GPU automatically doesn't meet those requirements.
Post a dxdiag. https://help.ea.com/en/article/how-to-gather-dxdiag-information/
Use spoiler tags. CLick the button to the left of the Font dropdown. Select Spoiler. Paste the entire report in the textbox.
I don't think OP has a bug, he's just asking should he buy the game now.
I installed the game on Launch day and had 0 issues with it. Even the slow downs that some see in Light intensive areas.
Just make sure you set your God Rays to High or Medium and consider turning off the Lense Flare if you experience slow downs in FPS.
I think jasper just wants to make sure their PC is up to snuff saving them a "my computer wont play the game" post later.
You can safely buy this game now and install it *if* your computer meet the minimum spec as someone else posted. Avoid windows 8, win 7 or 10 even some may are able to run games on win 8 systems. Very important after installing the game that you have ipresentinterval=1 setting in your user\mine documents\my games\Fallout4\ Fallout4.ini and Fallout4prefs.ini files where your gamesaves are stored. I'm not sure, but I have that setting in both files to be sure. If you going to run EnB (graphics modification engine) having bfloatpointrendertarget=1 in Fallout4prefs.ini file. CCNA posted some nice hints. If you want to max out all graphics settings, you need to spend some money. The grass and shadows settings demand good computer. Myself have low on grass and medium on shadows. Be aware that there are sweetfx and shader mods you can install, but they demand good computer as well - I do have tested some of these you can download from Nexus FO4, but I had to disable - still using EnB.
As someone else posted, some problems are located local on each players computer (software/hardware), but there are ingame bugs - quests etc to be honest - use wiki FO4 and lookup problems. Be carefull with console commands. Save often and do backup of savegames now and then. I will not start the game again (first time in history) because I spend way too much hours to get where I want ingame *unless* Bethesda added something brilliant to the game that demand a restart. Avoid using mods now until Bethesda release the game editor. I changed the timescale, but I do not notice anything strange.
I have noticed that some have problems running FO4 even they having a good rig, I don't know the answers, but change in ini files, adding mods, too maxed out graphics settings, running software programs in background, windows 8 and messing around with console commands not good. Not broken, don't fix I say.