Anyone else never do Kidnapping at County Crossing? I got to do other kidnapping quests but I heard Kidnapping at County Crossing was supposed to be the first kidnapping quest but I never did it..
Anyone else never do Kidnapping at County Crossing? I got to do other kidnapping quests but I heard Kidnapping at County Crossing was supposed to be the first kidnapping quest but I never did it..
You get to kidnap someone? I've never heard of this quest. Sounds awesome!
I wouldn't do it if I was a good character but, just like real life, I'm morally grey as they come! I['m good when it suits me! Lol
Nah, it's just another Minuteman 'save the kidnap victim from raiders' quest.
Oh I think I might have done it actually. I thought you meant I get to kidnapp somebody and escort them somewhere, mabe to raiders to slave them.
What happened to the slaves and that whole theme and 'feel'? Seems it's just vanished and I really liked it!
guys, this is the second time this person has created the exact same topic today...and I swear I seen it yesterday as well...I don't know how he/she is getting by with it...but eh, whatever I guess...It's already been answered...they are will eventually get to kill rescue a kidnap victim at county crossing...
Slavery, prostitution, those got removed. Besides de-RPG'ing and generally dumbing down the Fallout experience significantly, FO4 is also spearheading the removal of a number of the 'immoral' things from the game. Wider audience, don'tcha know. Murder, drugs and alcohol are still acceptable, though. Smoking too, somewhat surprisingly. But Fallout is steadily being defenestrated from what it once was.
Wrong forum, better use hints/cheats and spoilers for those who haven't done these yet. Btw, there are 4 different kinds of radiant quests from your own settlements, but you never get the same sort at the same time, unless you have failed.
Seriously, why are you still worrying about this?
You've still never answered my question - Have you ever actually gone to County Crossing to try and trigger this quest?
There is no 'first' kidnapping quest. You've seen this almost universally from numerous people saying that this wasn't their first one, and that many never even got the quest in the other threads you've posted about this. Seriously, just go to County Crossing. I can basically guarantee you that you will trigger the start if this quest, and you can put this to rest.
I dont even use the Drugs. Slavery Content or something else would be much better. And its funny because there are many Sorts of Drugs. Just wasted work?