Not sure if this will help anyone but its a good way of getting a legendary weapon. A good one and one you'll actually want to keep and use.
Head over to Old North Church and make a save just outside the door. Go in and find the legendary ghoul, he'll either be the one immediately to your right as you enter the church or one further down in the middle of the pews. Kill him and see what legendary item he drops, if its not something you want then reload the save from outside the church and try again.
If he does drop something you want but the bonus isn't what you need (say you want a 2 shot .44 pistol and he drops a neverending .44 pistol for example) just reload the autosave the game makes when you enter the church and try again.
If you load the save from outside the church it will spawn a new ghoul with a new legendary item, if you load the autosave from inside the church it will spawn the same legendary item but with a different bonus.
Another good place to do this is the basemant in Croup Manor. You want somewhere where you can enter into a new map and find a legendary creature straight away so you save time on hunting for one only to reload if it doesn't drop what you need.