*Not sure if this belongs in Spoilers, but just in case...*
For the last week I've been playing a DiD character. It's been going well enough, but I started to find it boring because it was going in the same direction as my Prime character took - stealthy assassin slash goody-goody hero type slash settlement builder/politician.
Spurred on by yesterday's discussions, especially about the one about the no-crafting-perks option, I created a new character last night that is basically 100% against my usual instincts in these games and it's revealed some interesting surprises.
It's an old man because I wanted to play up the war veteran aspect for RP. Came out of the Vault traumatized and put his WAR face back on, which means Power Armor, automatic weapons, explosives, and chems. I'm also playing him cynical, sarcastic, and just plain mean, generally dismissive of other people's problems. This is the guy that says, "I've got my own problems, Garvey."
While this playstyle is very, very counter-intuitive for me (I'm cringing at some of the dialog choices) it has been extremely interesting so far. The jerkish dialog choices have resulted in completely different responses from Garvey and Mama Murphy - things I never would have heard if I hadn't gone this direction. Assuming this continues, it rather puts the lie to the generally accepted idea that FO4 is not really an RPG.
The power armor is fun so far, and the "charge in and bash 'em" playstyle seems to be quite viable. I'll also be using a Companion this time which I hadn't before because they are basically incompatible with stealth play. And chems...ah, sweet chems. Never really touched those before but they are indeed a blast! Oh, and the no-crafting this has been fine so far. It's rather nice to only be lvl 5 and already have Big Leagues, Commando, Pain Train, Toughness, and Chem Resistant instead of "wasting" those first few Perks on crafting/building.
I may have only played 3 or 4 hours so far, but this is shaping up to be a very cool run. I can see it holding my interest for a long time, almost like playing a new game.
Anybody else done radical shifts like this? Do the different dialogs continue?