To start, I would go easy on the "no multiple saves" rule just in case something bugs out on you and you have to take a step back. You can still avoid reloading anything but your most recent save, though, just keep a few handy in case Bethesda's game starts to act like a Bethesda game.
Your SPECIAL looks good. Remember that you can get one more point by reading the SPECIAL children's book in Sanctuary, and the Perception bobblehead is a very early find in Concord. I'm pretty sure you can get away with using pistols exclusively. I'd suggest mainly using a 10mm Pistol and a .44 Revolver, but remember that you can mod any Laser/Plasma weapon into a pistol as well - very handy if you ever find an energy rifle with a nice legendary effect. Other perks I'd recommend are Scrounger, since that'll help you keep up with ammo and you can sell any ammo for non-pistols (like 5.56mm) to trade for more ammo you do use. You're going to want to bump up your SPECIAL a little to get the best perks (for your build, that might be Critical Banker and Better Criticals), but if you get Idiot Savant (and don't mind the sound effects >.>) you'll level up pretty quick. And if you plan to do a lot of crafting, I'd suggest bumping your INT so you can take Science! as the first rank is required for a few advanced settlement items (turrets, the best water purifiers), and later ranks are great if you plan on building up your energy pistols. And yeah, bumping up your Agility for raw AP is highly recommended, with pistols your usual strategy will be getting in as many VATS hits as you can. Which, with pistols like the Deliverer or 10mm, is a lot.
Some (light) spoilers about guns I'd recommend and how to get them:
Spoiler Deliverer - Can get it very early on in the Railroad questline. Uses 10mm ammo, and it's almost completely better than the standard 10mm Pistol.
Kellogg's Pistol - this was my "sniper" weapon, modded with a scope, but it's still great for close/mid combat. You may not want a scope, as that jacks up the VATS cost.
Righteous Authority - reward for the first Brotherhood of Steel quest at Cambridge Police Station. You get it as a Laser Rifle, but you can mod it into a Pistol and it's special effect is one of the best you can get for a Luck oriented character.
Lorenzo's Artifact - this one requires a little Science! to get the most of, and I don't know how great it is for a VATS oriented build, but modded with the Electric Signal Carrier Antenna this thing actually became pretty useful for me. You've got to side with Jack at the end of the Cabot questline to get this, though. fun fact: you can take the Artifact attachment off of this weapon and put it on other Gamma Guns, if you ever find one with a cool Legendary effect.