So, the main thing that's really bugging me is trying to organize my settlers, it seems there is a huge flaw in managing who does what and who is out of work. It seems to me the only way to find out what a settler is working on is to switch to build mode and keep the cursor pointed at them while you circle around to see what shop ect is highlighted. It worked fine for a while but with so many people in my castle now it's become overwhelming trying to organize who is working on what it's doing my head in as I assign an apparently unemployed settler to a shop then to find they was actually farming my food or scavenging my parts but I couldn't see it was highlighted.
Am I missing something here? I apologize in advance if I have but I desperately need a "settlers management" page. Where I can see exactly how many people are there and exactly what they are working on, on this page I would be able to pick and choose who does what and switch around jobs to maximum efficiency.
Surely Bethesda would of made this system more organized.
At the moment it seems my castle is a mess as I can't keep track of everyone.
Any suggestions, advice appreciated.