I'm fine with the amount of guns in the game. Even if new ones were introduced, I'd probably go right back to using my same three trusty standbys...the .50 sniper rifle, the combat rifle, and the combat shotgun. I've got an Instigating Recon .50 Sniper Rifle which does double damage against enemies with full health, the Overseer's Guardian which is a two shot combat rifle, and the Explosive Advanced Combat Shotgun. I can't imagine it getting much better than that.
I'm currently awaiting a standalone M16 mod that's being discussed over in the mods section of the forum. It's a work in progress with no anticipated time frame that I'm aware of at this point, but I'm very much looking forward to that. My one real complaint about the weapons in this game is that the assault rifle is absolutely hideous. It looks like someone ripped a level 1 water pump out of the ground and modded it into a gun.
Uh, how about Bethesda does what they've always been doing, and introduce new weapons in their story expansions? The only time they ever released a DLC that only contained equipment (Horse Armor), it was universally reviled. Meanwhile every story DLC they've ever put out has included new weapons and armor for us to avail ourselves of. Obsidian had Gun Runners, but that was Obsidian and their DLC model was pretty different in other ways - Bethesda's never done preorder bonuses, either (thank Kremvh for that). Plus, if new weapons can be put up for console modding, Bethesda wouldn't even be able to get away with charging for a weapons pack.
My repeating list for these threads:
Riot Armor
Police Uniform
.38 Revolver that isn't a Pipe Gun
.45 Pistol (functionally a stronger version of the 10mm)
Pipe Shotgun
Pump-Action Shotgun
Pulse Pistol/Rifle
Tesla Cannon
I should go back and bump that thread I made about what weapons people wanted in DLC. Most people had a similar list.
True. What did you have in mind? I guess my list of melee would be
Kitchen Knife (can be modded into Cleaver, and heated variants)
Fireman's Axe
More Power Fist mods (Ballistic Fist, Displacer Glove, Chainsaw, Shock Damage, maybe even Radiation Damage)
Golf Club
You know, this actually warms me up to the Assault Rifle model even more. A man-portable version of a WWI machine gun? Sounds right at home with sci-fi weaponry like the Minigun or Gauss Rifle. I wonder how many people would have been upset if it was named "Machine Gun" instead. I never had a problem with the gun to begin with, but that doesn't mean I don't want an Assault Rifle that looks more... "normal". I guess that's what they planned with the Combat Rifle, though, but whatever.
It was designed to look good with Power armor according to the Fallout 4 art book, which it does in my opinion.
I agree that it looks silly if you're using it without PA though.
Only thing I miss is an functionality, in fallout 3 the assault rifle was useable in both single shot and full auto. Yes this breaks with the full auto does less damage [censored] in FO4, do it realistic, full auto reduces the accuracy a lot.
This get worse with an stronger round, yes an mashinegun is pretty stable at full auto but is heavier and not as accurate.
I couldn't agree more. I'm generally an assault rifle kind of person, but that thing is so garishly ugly that I can't even stand to use it.
Come on, I can't be the only one who doesn't hate Fallout 4's Assault Rifle.
It was? Fallout 4's got several guns that can be modded between semi and full auto, but I don't remember being able to switch between fire modes with any of Fallout 3's weapons.
A few unique DLC melee weapons that could compete with the super sledge would be nice, giving players more choice in style among their best weapons. I hope one of their DLC includes underwater sections, and a giant, mutated shark would be sweet... or some other huge boss. I really like that they added the mirelurk queen. More insane monsters, updates to settlements so they actually affect the world, and new UNIQUE locations would be awesome. A maritime expansion would be awesome, given they already have the USS Constitution and the harpoon gun, etc.
There is a problem with adding to leveled loot lists. As the list increases in size, the likelihood of getting a specific item from it decreases. Personally, I don't really care very much. There are a couple of weapons I would like, but I can easily do without them. But we do have collectors, who for whatever reason want to get every legendary item available. Increasing the loot lists is guaranteed to drive these people crazy.