I see things so far, as absolutely the best hybrid of items we want and need. I am not a fan of simplification of political strife, nor of diluted lore. I am not a fan of pandering to the attention deficit that exudes perception for the modern gamer. People spoke of Oblivion in a way that made it sacrilege to Morrowind, where the lack of political unease and the "dumbed" down version of a true role-playing experience became the tantamount Morrowind vs Oblivion debate. I never saw Oblivion as a heresy. It made The Elder Scrolls a relevant and wonderful part of modern gaming, and made followers aplenty in the same way that Morrowind drove in fans.
Skyrim is starting to fill all of the pre-disposed relevant gaps in my gaming psyche.
This game will do something that has never been done before. It actually is the bridge between the FPS gamer who wants some depth and the RPG gamer who wants real-time excitement. The mellow-fellows on either side will actually be able to fall in line. This game can do better what other TES games have done well...
...convert the masses...
My props to the enterprising appeal and dedication to the Bethesda devoted, and Pete and Todd are masters at their game. It will be so freaking amazing to watch the numbers climb exponentially. I will say that I read a lot about strategy and see that there is a HUGE thing about this game that we don't know yet. There should be another BUMP coming before release that really makes people insane about this game. I don't have any clue what it is, but the climix hasn't hit us yet, and likely won't hit us until we are a third away from release (i.e. break the announcement till release into thirds).