If you link settlements the food and water are distributed across the entire network,
if there is not enough to meet all settlers needs then the individual settlements receive their production first, then excess is distributed across remaining settlements.
If you have more food/water than all linked settlers need then the excess is produced in workbenches relative to the production of each settlement
If you have four settlements A,B,C,D, all linked together and with 10 settlers at each
A produces 40 food, 40 water, the rest produce none,
all settlers are provided with food and water, no excess
the settlers at b,c,d will complain if you visit, but they have their needs met so it does not actually matter, a bug
A produces 10 f/w, b produces 10 f/w, c produces none, d produces 50f/w
you meet all needs, have excess of 30
settlers at c will complain, despite having food/water, again bug
excess is produced 5 at a, 5 at b, and 20 at c, even though a and b should have no excess, they receive part of the food from d's overproduction, and provide excess.
(technically it would be a 5:1:1 ratio, but the math and rounding are a bit enigmatic)
The settler complaining bug is solved by having each settlement produce at least food/ water item for itself, if they produce 0 then the settlers complain, even though their needs are met and their happiness isn't effected.