Has anyone else had these problems with the game on XBox One?
I lost Preston as a follower after finishing Taking Independence. He prompted dialogue with me to thank me for helping him and went through the dialogue set, but after that he stopped interacting with me. Anytime I ask to talk to him, he just gives me generic one-liners. Can't open up trade or even ask him to follow me. I've gone so far as to open up artillery in the castle and unlock another settlement in hopes of snapping him out of it, but nothing seems to budge it.
In addition to that, I seem to have lost Dogmeat in the midst of the Reunions quest. I followed him all the way to Fort Hagen. After receiving my next objective to find a way in, the game told me Dogmeat was released from the quest(he was able to act normal again), but he didn't. He remained firmly parked atop the stairs. I wasn't ready to go into the building, so I picked up another follower to do some other stuff beforehand. When prompted, I wanted to send Dogmeat to Sanctuary. I hoped that finishing up with Fort Hagen would break him out of it, and he *was* gone from the stairs...but then he wasn't anywhere. I checked the Red Rocket where you first find him, and I checked Sanctuary where I originally sent him after I had to pick up another follower. Checked the doghouses but he wasn't there. I even checked Diamond city around Kellog's house just in case it went wonky.
My Pipboy says one thing while physically being there says another when it comes to Sanctuary settlement happiness. I've more than enough food, water, beds, and defense, and, while I'm there, their happiness will go up and everything will be stable(80% +); the moment I leave, however, happiness tanks below 80%, settler number drops, and either my number of beds or amount of water drops. I see this, panic, and fast travel back...but nothing is wrong. No attacks, nothing broken...the numbers return to normal. At first I wondered if, maybe, having Preston as a follower made their happiness dip. Maybe the missed their original "leader" being in town and rejoiced when he returned with me, but now it seems like something is bugged since numbers are changing. I'll go from 22 beds to 13 while I'm away for no reason, and like I said my water will randomly zero out even though nothing's been attacked or broken.
Losing two followers really has me quite steamed, especially since they were carrying stuff I wanted and they were my favored followers.
I've also experienced items sinking through the ground, lost to some abyss. I dropped some mirelurk eggs and melons to drop some weight in Castle. I went to move them to a nicer place by the fridge(green and above ground), but once I confirmed the move, it's like the stone ground became quicksand and they disappeared.
I've tried Googling to find solutions or maybe even find something I've overlooked in solving these problems, but nothing seems to work. I'm apparently especially SOL, since PC users have a way of commanding a follower's return or reset.