I have done some digging around the internets and can not seem to find a resolution for the issue that I am having. Well, the problem is multi-faceted. I am having the typical problems associated with crops, can't select them. If I can I have to do so at strange angles, etc... I know I can delete them through the console and have done so many times. I also find that when I do this and replant the crop it becomes unusable again later on.
However, my main issue is that when say I have four tato's planted in a row. All unassigned, typically you can assign one settler and they will then auto-assign to the others in the row. Yet, when I do this now I find that a settler will only assign themselves to one crop and only that one crop. I tried reassigning to other crops in a row but it appears that they work on that one and do nothing else. I have struggled to figure out what is going on, any suggestions would be welcome.