u didnt read my past ones but thats okkk. It dont really matter cause all the games i compared it to is besides the point. My point is all the games you listed like Mass effect, oblivion, etc all have one thing in common...All are virtually never ending, if you take that literally then thats your prob.
You didn't read my past posts, and that's okay. What I wrote is that all those games DO end with level caps, but the TIMING of the cap hits when you have EXPLORED and played the game fully rather than very early on like in FO:III. So your point is simply wrong. It's about level caps hitting at appropriate times so the player feels like they've explored and played the game to the fullest. If you don't understand what you're talking about, you can't communicate it properly to the developers, and that makes you as useful as a mechanic who knows the car won't start but can't figure out whether it's the starter plug or the alternator.
All i am trying to point out (and wat you failed to mention in your rant) is that gamers who buy games like this deserve the fun it can and should offer.
I didn't mention it because it's known as a "tautology" in philosophy circles. We're playing... games. The definition of... games... is something we play for fun. So saying something we play for fun should be fun is a redundant statement.
Fallout is a great franchise but has no reason to make level caps and force your play to end prematurely. Just like GTA 4 has no reason to take out tanks and watnot....
Remember the "drifting in and out of genres like a drunk man at a bar" remark. You have no reason to take out tanks in any of the GTA series games, and you don't have a reason to do any of the "gang" missions in Red Dead Redemption. Except.... maybe.... you find that stuff fun. Do you always need game developers to give you a carrot to talk across the street? (On topic, look up "intermittent rewards" and "operant conditioning".)
Oblivion did this while fallout decided not to do it. For what?
From my perspective, you again fail with the references. I wouldn't mention Oblivion's system in this regard because it was wonky and screwed, by level 20, the amount of damage an enemy could soak up nullified any magic spells and ruined that. If you went into melee you would have bash wars for ten hours, etc. So yes, the developers could have decided to import the system and fix it, or they could have used a different system, they went with option 2. It had its own set of problems. Now, they are hopefully fixing those for the next game, and hopefully they are fixing Oblivion's system for that next game.
FO3 is the same style as oblivion and what you expect from FO3. Why did rockstar do good with GTA SanAn and not GTA4... Because GTA4 tooks notes from FO3 and did the expack thing to entice people to buy.
Okay, you hit a logic tree again, please pull yourself out of the wreck. Anyone who complained about the game, like me, complained that you couldn't buy anything in it, you couldn't customize anything in it, and the plot and character development made no sense. No "expacks" needed, with or without the expacks, the game didn't change. Again, because you can't figure out what does or does not make a game good, you can't describe what does or does not make a game good, which makes your posts rather worthless.
Gamers should realize when their getting f'ed over instead blissfully accepting the game they bought.
Right, because making non-sensical arguments is the best way to show your studliness. :rolleyes: I guess you must not noticed I wrote a detailed post on that same http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1097608-what-do-you-want-in-new-vegas/page__view__findpost__p__16070591 Let me help you out in life if you ever want a job or plan to go to college or do anything. Even if your conclusion is right, it must follow from premises stated before it. For example:
1.) Roses are red.
2.) Grass is green.
3.) Therefore, my car turns on when I turn the key.
All those statements are true, but they do not logically connect to each other and this argument fails. Your arguments are very similar to this, so please take the time to write something coherent or that logically follows if you want to tell Obsidian to make a better game. For example:
1.) The level cap is hit too early.
2.) Therefore, players feel cheated out of the game.
3.) Therefore, the level cap needs to be hit later in the game.
Jus because you spent 60 bucks on it dont mean its good. (movies do the same trick)
Logic fail warning: Spending money on something doesn't make it good, see "buyers remorse". I bought the latest final fantasy game and immediately regretted that decision, and even kept playing because [censored] like you kept saying, "Oh no, it gets better." It doesn't. It's terrible. Spending money on a game or anything else doesn't make you like it, there's even http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGHEhKo5Ils&feature=PlayList&p=B886FA273CDFA6DE&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=1 that jokes about it.
VidGames is a form art and artist who make it should give it their all to their fans regardless of the money or mainstream criticism they will get. but clearly this is not the morals of American entertainment. And if your gonna give people money for something they only half tried at then be my guest. Im just suggesting what is right in the world but no one here can grasp that.
What you can't grasp is that:
1.) You have said nothing new.
2.) Your sentences and logic do not follow each other in any meaningful way.
3.) When someone responds to you and you don't like it, you either strawman their argument or ignore it and pretend they didn't make it.
4.) You write condescendingly to other people.
If people don't agree with you, it's not because they don't get your points, it's because your arguments for your points are weak.
Think about it... cross culture Japan v. America.....PS3 online free v. Xbox360 60 bucks p.year.....
Not a great example because PS3 online is a terrible service. Offering a free service that is terrible will lose to a better service that costs more money. This is another basic point that you get eluded by over and over and over again. Most fans who have both consoles universally say, "Yeah, the Xbox is way better at online than PS3".
Many Japanese movie directors and game directors refuse to make pointless sequels/expansion packs v. Americans have Half life.
More bad examples. Uh, let's see. There's this series called "Final Fantasy", seems to have a lot of sequels that are unconnected. And Japanese directors don't make enough money to usually do sequels, I lived in Asia. Japanese movie are usually terrible, but the ones that are good like the "Lone Wolf and Cub" series (gasp) have sequels. What's more popular are the anime movies, and (gasp!) they have tons of endless sequels!!! I get the feeling you don't know much about Japan, did you ever go watch No drama that animes are based off of? Let's see, another Japanese sequel series in video games, umm... how about Mario? How about all of the zelda games? How about everything Nintendo did for its entire reign as console king? Yeah, I'm probably older than you and can remember this, but Japan works off the same capitalist structure that America does, and it has numerous sequels galore running around.