Some ACOG sights would be nice, something to bridge the large gap between dot sights and full scopes. Good example is the marksman rifle from new vegas.
Your thoughts?
Some ACOG sights would be nice, something to bridge the large gap between dot sights and full scopes. Good example is the marksman rifle from new vegas.
Your thoughts?
Don't the circle and reflex sight pretty much do that already?
I prefer the scopes myself, but, to each his own.
Circle and reflex offer little to no magnification, they are for close ranges. Scopes are for very long ranges and limit field of view outside of them. Medium range optics, ACOGs being a great example combine the two, medium magnification (around 4x) while having situational awareness.
I tried posting an example link but apparently I'm not allowed.
Interesting. I hadn't even really thought about it. I usually just go up the ladder as I gain skills and end up with scopes. I am a sniper, after all!
That reminds me! I need to go see that gang. They need a sniper.
You need 5 more posts before you can post a link.
Anyway, not sure this is possible because scopes zoom by altering FOV.
It was in new vegas, don't think it would be too difficult. Plus I eagerly away the mods once they reach xbox one.
I use a short-scope on the assault rifles very much like you would an ACOG, but it really needs a lit crosshair or red-dot.
I would like to see ACOG scopes...or at the very least be able to flip my sniper scope down for more comfortable close combat, while using the same gun...especially now that I have the Overseers guardian..awesome sniper, as well as awesome closer combat ACOG would fit perfectly...