No. Mainly 'cause I don't do melee and don't want to take another 4 worthless points in strength to get blacksmithing.
If I am playing a playthrough that uses power armor a lot. Then yes. If not which is more likely, then no. I do not play melee playthroughs with power armor though. Just me Vs the Mini nukes! Yea babie!
Assuming that you are not doing a melee run through, the only thing you are missing out on is a few extra experience points at the power armor workstation. This would have to be balanced against the need for Blacksmithing perks and the materials use. I am currently doing a stealth/sniper run through and don't use power armor at all. I do have quite the PA collection though and most of my suits have the Tesla mod on the arms. "Why?", you ask. Because I can.
They really should've added a missile launcher modification for the arms or at least right arm. Basically, it'll allow you to shoot missiles out of your arm via the grenade key.