I have just been given the mission: The Molecular Level
After completing hunter/hunted
Ive Tried to avoid spoilers as much as I can, however from what Ive read... Once I go to the institute I need to pick a faction: Railroad, minute men or Brotherhood of steel to help me?
To continue this... am I correct lol?
Also... if I am correct... once I pick either faction is that when I miss out on other factions missions that give Achievements? I have read about how to play the game and get all mission achievements but it makes no sense to me
I dont mind picking a faction... but once I do, do all achievements for the other factions disappear as I did not chose them?
Story + Side Quests:
Missable Guide
"The Nuclear Option" (end game), "Nuclear Family" (end game), "Underground Undercover" and "Rockets' Red Glare" (Railroad), "Blind Betrayal," and"Ad Victoriam" (Brotherhood), and "Mankind-Redefined" and "Powering Up" (Institute) are missable.
I hope I have worded my question correctly as it was a bit hard to explain and describe
Thank you for your time