There is some guy imprisoned during a quest and you have to free him. So DC Guards don't shoot everyone one sight by lore. Why would they even need cells if everyone just fights it out?
When it comes to an option between killing a large group of vendors that are very important to the game, or running, I should think that the choice would be fairly obvious. You can leave for 24-48 hours and come back, then everyone will be cool again.
And regardless, I have a strong feeling that this wasn't quite "accidental" on the part of OP lol
No consequences, yeah the original poster in this thread surely thinks the same .
I guess my first question would be "Imprisoned by who?"
I've not done that quest, I suppose, though I have done several kidnappings that the victims were in cells. In the Wasteland though, I've come across no sign of law and order with cops, lawyers, judges, and prisons. I also guess my next question would be "Just when is this legal system going to go arrest The Forged or Raiders?
Right because sitting in a prison cell in order to see a cut-scene to "5 years later" is so much better game design.
Don't get caught, or if you do, make sure they already like you a lot and feel like they can take back what you stole. Out of the ~500 times I've thefted in the game, I've been caught half a dozen times. Three of which were people who took back what they wanted and were angry at me but didn't become hostile, the other ones barely knew me and they became immediately hostile.
Yeah, simplified and dumbed down. You have no idea what you are talking about. Keep playing the game and tell me I'm wrong with evidence.
All I know is what that loading screen told me, and I've never seen anyone being arrested by guards in DC...
The answer to what? Or is that a rhetorical answer, like 3 x 17 = 24?
Rule 1: Use new saves.
Rule 2: Don't be a psycho who kills everybody.
I just wasn't sure what question it was, as there were a number of them flying about...
Anyway, my 3 x 17 = 24 is a reference to
(the relevant part is done by 1 :30)
Slow down there Valjean.
To the OP, only thing to do now is perk up your local leader and caps collector and build your own venders in settlements.
I agree it is an extreme reaction; I'm not arguing it is "reasonable" from our standpoint. But as BrewerGeorge pointed out above, it wasn't so long ago in Western history that such an extreme reaction WAS regarded as "reasonable" even by the real "authorities!"
In the "Commonwealth" there is in truth no government, no courts, no true criminal justice system of any sort. Its not even a "police state" it is just a Wasteland with a few villages and a few additional small settlements of one or two families. It is not too much a breach of plausibility that law and order is maintained primarily by vigilantism.
I was surprised the first time an NPC who caught me just ran up and took the item back. It has happened a few times now, though never IN Diamond City. I was just so glad to be rid of that godforsaken "red hand" stolen flag. The worst abomination of hamfisted game design ever to be imposed on an open-world game, with "karma" being the next worst.
I agree the crime and punishment thing could have been a bit more fleshed out, but I think Bethesda must have figured out a long time ago: most users do not engage in crime unless there is a "Thieves Guild" Quest line. We obsessive gamesas-Games Kleptomaniacs are probably in a tiny minority so they thankfully seem to have dispensed with any of the awkward dynamics that made thievery in the past games awkward and unfun.
Based on what I know about game "AI" at this point, what we get in Skyrim or FO4, may be just about the best that could be achieved, but I suspect that with a bit of clever coding it could actually be a lot better.
What we need is for the detection algorithms to be linked to individual NPCs files and for one or two attributes that shape their "reaction to crime." Someone like Myrna? Shoot on sight. Dr. Sun? Maybe more likely to just note your actions, and then approach you later and warn you that he saw you so you'd better not steal anymore, which activates a second "quest" in which, if you do steal anything else in D.C. ever again, then any time you sleep in D.C. some guards come get your for questioning . . .
There are lots of possibilities that could I suspect be pretty easily manifested using the existing technology. But it would a LOT of work, because in order for it to work, every single NPC (including unnamed ones) would have to have a particular set of "reaction to crime variables" and then there would need to be a reasonable sized set of "Consequence Quests" ranging from: they don't do anything except give you a *nudge-nudge* nice work there to they shout "Thief!" to they quietly turn you in, to they shoot on sight.
Oh yes. I remember him. He was part of one of the first, if not the first , side quests that I did, acquired from Bobbi No-nose..
The Big Dig
I just looked him up.
His name is Mel and it's claimed by a guard that Mel was caught hacking the robot, Wellingham at the Colonial Taphouse.
Mel was trying to get free beer and the guard says he would have done the same if he had the know-how.
Anyway you hear it quite often.
"I had no choice, you should have run" after someone has killed.
Copper: Arturro Rodriguez (DC), K.L.E.O. (Goodneigbor)
Oil: Trashcan Carla (varies, travelling merchant), K.L.E.O. (Goodneighbor)
Take out big boy with mirv upgrade, aim at foot, open fire.
Next you should do is go to railroad headquarter and snipe Desmota, then to the airship and shoot a lot, jump off without power armor and save.
On PC the game stores a lots of savegames in the my games\Fallout4\Saves
this includes 2 older versions of autosaves and 10 earlier versions of quicksave, see no reason why it should not also be on console.
I actually did this in a somewhat half-hearted fashion on the Prydwen. Had I not forgot to take my chems, I coulda taken them out . . . though once I had killed everyone onboard (and assuming none of them were Essential, which I'm not even sure of . . .) I might have had a hard time getting down from there, given I had no PA and I don't know if there were any free suits onboard.
just reading the title...'Help me please. Vendors everywhere'.
apparently they're not for the OP...they are everywhere on my game tho...
if you don't have an earlier save from before you turned maniac on your vendors, then you should probably do the settlement thing and make your own vendors..or scav the wastes for needed supplies..or start a new game..