The forced choice between factions is too restrictive. There should be a way to preserve both The Institute and The Railroad and achieve both of their goals.
The forced choice between factions is too restrictive. There should be a way to preserve both The Institute and The Railroad and achieve both of their goals.
Thats like saying there should have been a way to keep both the NCR and Legion, and achieve both of thier goals....
That's not possible, they are contradicting ideals.
They're in direct conflict. Both their goals are mutually exclusive.
The Institute's goals involve the use of synths that follow their orders without question because they're seen as machines obeying their creators. The Railroad sees synths as equals and wish to set them free to live life on their own and as they see fit.
There seems to be a certain unlikeliness in these two factions getting along.
I can agree to some extent that the lack of a truly peaceful resolution between all of the factions is a shortcoming of this game, but it's not really a shortcoming of the story, as such, as it's presented. The ideology of the Institute and the Railroad are in direct conflict with one another. The best that can be done is peace between the BoS, the Minutemen, and the Railroad.
For the leader of the smartest people left on the planet what part of ((( NO ))) does Father not understand.
Sorry, I'm ordering you to kill the RR. Yeah sure you are. Good luck with that. What are you going to do take away my clean towels and toilet paper? I don't think Father understands this is my Institute now.
They will all start getting the message after I teleport in all 20 of my power armor suits and strategically display them on every floor and in every lab.
Railroad contingency plan- Plug the synth leak in the institute and RR has no one to save. They will go back to mutfruit growing.
BOS contingency plan- In all my travels across the Commonwealth the BOS has done nothing but help the common people by killing all mutant men, gunners, raiders and mutated animals as well as gen 1/2 synths and I'm OK with that.
I lead the Institute an synth are machines. If we loose a few to a stray BOS patrol while they are on the surface collecting mutfruit from my settlements so be it.
Let the BOS help us fix the old institutes problem with FEV and super mutants. No sense wasting our resources doing that.
I've already ordered an increase in production of gen 3 soldiers since we have unlimited pwr now so if the BOS find a way in we will be ready but we will not make the first strike.
Gunner contingency plan- Endless target practice for the SS to keep me sharp and on my toes.
Doesn't this sound like a much better ending than watching the Prydwen go down in flames or CIT blowing up? 5 seconds of Oooo and then what?
I think there should've been more secondary factions available to do diplomacy with but the BoS, RR, and Institute are too fundamentally opposed to each other's goals for a peaceful resolution to feel even the slightest bit realistic, IMO.
One is enough.
This will initiate lock down and you have to leave the institute, shortly after this I pretty much soloed the institute going back to end them, the minutemen was mostly useful for covering my back.
yes over time you could change the institute, however you don't have this time,
All Father has to do is revoke your teleporting privileges, which he does if you don't follow his orders. You can either do what Father tells you or blow the Institute up in a childish fit of 'if I can't have the toy, no one will'. So much for 'your Institute'.