Question for Bethesda on cut content and Fallout 4.

Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:48 am

Still think its great but not Fallout great or more importantly worthy. Bethesda could and has done better.
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 3:05 am

I understand where people are comng from, wanting modders to 'finish' the bits of the game that have been cut but, you shouldn't feel like you've been short-changed or had anything taken away. Time may have ran out, something else may have taken it's place or it just didn't fit.


But the harsh reality is, it's their game, they made it and if they start making a part of the game they suddenly didn't like the feel of or thought they had enough time to do justice then, it's tough it isn't part of the game. It's just modders can hack into the files to see what's left, I mean technically that's no different to a burglar 'hacking' his way through a film studios door, finding scripts of their favourite movie and the bits they cut out then wanting them back in...

I know it works differently and believe me I want to see this content, I want it too! But, it's their and if they choose not to bother then the modders can only make do with what's there.

(by the way I don't think they will have tinkered with the under water bits so much then gave up, i think we'll see something in at least one DLC personally).

From a personal standpoint I'm on finishing an album with my band and we've been getting heckled for a long while now for it to come out. There are songs we recorded that aren't going on the album anymore, songs that are completely different finished with different parts than when originally demoed and bits of 'scraps' unfinished songs we just didn't think were going anywhere.

Would I want some of it getting out? No not at all. Some of it yeah maybe... but other stuff no.

I'm going to be a huge hypocrite though and say I love to hear songs by my favourite artists that don't make an album but as for scraps? Or someone 'finishing' that unfinished song for me? No... They did that with Michael Jackson and it isn't Michael Jackson to me. Intriguing as it was... So this cut Fallout content, even if it's restored and has all the official zing to it still probably won't feel to me like a real part of the game.

I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this.... notice how I counter my own points like a mental patient arguing with himself? I do.... yeah.

The end.

(or is it?)

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Eddie Howe
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 6:30 am

He has 700 hours in Fallout 4 and says there isn't enough content, is it April 1st?

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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:29 am

An addictive game loop (the loot system)does not indicate an amount of content.

For example you could farm the first area of borderlands for 700 hours and not get all legendary weapons.

At that pace it would take you about 2500 hours or (probably more) to finish the FIRST PLAYTHROUGH!
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:25 am

That's exactly why it takes me so long to complete any playthrough. I cram ten ton of pointless wandering and collecting in between every quest!

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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:57 am

I absolutely love the STALKER series... but where exactly does it have more depth? °_°

I can't think of a single part of the Stalker games that has been better worked out?

and what's with the 7 years development argument? :D

Skyrim came out 2011... there may have been a few people that already started making ideas for F4 before that, but the main work should've taken place after Skyrim

I really don't get some people ^^ When Ubisoft releases a game each year, everyone complains... when a company actually takes their time and cycles their games in a 3-4 years rhythm, everyone still keeps complaining :D

you really can't get it right nowadays

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Lauren Dale
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:12 am

Cut content is a sign of focused development.

There's a phrase we use in the creative process called "killing your darlings". Basically, it means the inspiration that originally got you going on a project (usually the core idea that made you excited to begin working on it) probably is not going to make it into the final product. It has to be cut because, as a project grows, things evolve and emerge, and that core idea doesn't have a place in the final product anymore. The whole project evolved into something different, and usually better. Other times, content is cut because it simply doesn't add anything meaningful to the project. Every part of a production (live, writing, film, television, or game) should drive the experience toward its eventual conclusion. If it doesn't, it's fluff. Cut it.

This is true even with games like Minecraft that have no "conclusion". Its "conclusion" is allowing the player to create something meaningful or interact meaningfully with the world -- so anything that winds up being redundant or offering players something they already have in another form feels like..."Huh? What am I supposed to do with this?"

The Stalker series was surely fun (only ever played the first one, but I enjoyed it), but it was hardly "deep". And I could never resolve the arcade-like action of combat with the extreme level of immersion that other aspects of the game offered. (I eventually used a mod that made aiming much more accurate and that was better.)

As for complaints -- that's human nature. You can't please everyone, and only a fool will try. You target your audience, handle things in a way you know they'll appreciate, then deliver. It's when a business starts trying to drum up "mass appeal" that they begin to flop. Chase two hares, both will get away.

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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:15 am

You're saying "but you already paid for it" - no you never. It was cut. It didn't make the final version. Just because you paid 60 dollars for Fallout 4 doesn't mean it's your right to have access to all the cut content as well. It was cut for a reason.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you sound like:

A. You're upset that content was cut and you don't have access.

B. You're slandering Bethesda by assuming the DLC they will release in the future is going to be the content they cut from the original game.

Emphasis on point B, nobody knows what the DLC will be, so it's pretty ridiculous jumping to conclusions and ranting about it when nobody knows a thing as of now. If by chance you turn out to be right, and the DLC they release was in fact cut content from the original game, then I'll hold my hands up. Until then, take a step back, relax and wait and see.

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:05 am

How you People can judge about his Hours? You dont even know what he did Ingame. 70% of my playtime i was in my Settlement, tried to connect some Obeject and still i made all Endings in that Game. And Fallout 4 is a weak Content Game compared to other Games like Witcher 3 or Skyrim.

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Katy Hogben
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 12:09 am

If by "content" you are referring to more fleshed out quests/characters, then yes. Content is more than simply story-based missions. Aside from that, TW3 (which I played through almost 3 times and completely love, btw) offers far, far less in terms of character creation/customizabillity, selection of weapons/armors, or interactive world elements.

TW3's development focused on a pre-determined player character with a rich and developed backstory. This is what makes the scripted, more cinematic cutscenes possible. You simply can't incorporate all of that into a game that offers choice to a custom-built RPG character. Witcher 3 involves very basic combat system. The weapons you use will always be swords (you can't even repair axes, maces, or other "temporary weapons"). The armors are all variations on the same three considerations in combat -- weapons, magic, or both. You can't play a pure thief, or barbarian, or're a Witcher. The world is gorgeous, but exploring gets you very little aside from the same, random loot (barring couple of neat encounters and a rare special weapon or crafting item). Largely, you're simply following the main story, which is fairly linear. Crafting items is probably the only part of Wild Hunt that's on-par with the complexity of the Bethesda titles. It's writing and dialogue is far more mature and well-crafted, and this helps create some interesting side quests. But the reason all of that is so well done is because CD Projekt Red did NOT spend time on other aspects of the game. They kept combat simple, kept Geralt focused, kept the story on-track, and used the huge world as a backdrop rather than a gameplay centerpiece.

On the whole, I would vouch to say that, point-for-point, Beth titles are going to win any contest about included content 5:1.

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