Has anyone ever tried this?
I made a 10 charisma character and tried to read the your special book to get it to 11 and then use the bobblehead to get it to 12.
But that didn't work
So I tried getting addicted and gaving the -1CHARISMA so I only had 9 CHarisma when I read the your special book). But this also wasn't good.
THen I tried daddy-O to gave -2CHrisma and that did work getting a base of 11 charisma without the bobblehead.
So you can get 1 stat that's standard 12 in stead of 11
(I know you can get str12-ENd12 with a solar powered and PE12-INT12 with night person)
By this logic you can put the following stats on 12
STR (daytripper)
PE (fury)
CHR (as said before daddy-o)
INT (drink most types of alcohol)
Of these CHR seems the most useful because you can have 30 more settlers and trade becomes easier
INT seems the least worthy because it gives no real bonusses