Can someone please answer definitively - Are the Piles that are left after you have finished off someone with your energy weapon (again Not what you think I am referring to) permanent? Or do they eventually disappear? (No medical cream jokes please)
Can someone please answer definitively - Are the Piles that are left after you have finished off someone with your energy weapon (again Not what you think I am referring to) permanent? Or do they eventually disappear? (No medical cream jokes please)
Been a long time for me and they are still there.
I tend to avoid energy weapons around my settlement, they never seem to leave. I get steaming piles all over. Out in the field though, not sure. It's rare I visit the exact same place twice where I may have used them so can't really be sure.
I remember a great perk mod for FO3, or was it NV, that allowed you convert the ashes into useful energy ammo, and the pile would disappear. Hoping for the same for FO4.
Here was my prediction from back in August:
I've seen both. It's a Beth standard. The industry moves on, but Beth's goop and ash piles remain.
In my experience they disappear in the wastes and stay forever in your settlements...
I may only be a basic software systems developer, but if there is a recurring problem with something that the customer is not happy about then something eventually gets done about it......... Might be a few hours....
........Might be a day or two.......
....Could even be a year in severe cases.
Back end of 2008 Fallout 3 is released and it was BIG, I loved it from release.
Then obviously there are the bugs etc we all started noticing. yet one stood out more than most for people who had invested their hard earned cash into Bethesda's (overflowing no doubt) bank accounts - it was the permanent Ash\Goo Piles.
So we said okay we can put up with this as now we have New Vegas on the way and the Almighty Bethesda care about their customers and would have sorted this out.
New Vegas
So now 7 years on from Fallout 3 and ......
Fallout 4
Wow double thumbs up Bethesda - which is for successfully being able to keep the same simple Bug in game after game and still keep idiots like me putting faith in your next new release would have this sorted. I am sure after 7 years if you guys REALLY wanted to sort this bug you would have done so, rather than KEEPING IT IN !!!
And any kiddywink or plonker (for want of a better word) who says that it is a nice reminder of things they have zapped - reality check ASH DISAPPEARS if the weather is only just a wisp of a breeze!!!
Well that wasn't exactly hard to predict, but still, kudos =)
You could always think as Fertilizer from animals or supermutants
They're there forever. I have so many piles of ashes about my settlements that everything glows at night. We can turn the lights off and still see perfectly fine.
I think it depends on who you turn into a puddle or a pile (not THAT one, the other pile) and where it is done. I have had them magically disappear after staying out of the cell for a couple of days and others seem to linger forever.