Okay, guys, we need an unofficial suggestion thread that Bethesda can read for ideas on how to improve the game in some way. Ideas that are actually realistic (IE- no ideas that give you an unfair advantage, like an armor mod that always makes you invisible and undetectable.) Here's some I had.
- Locked doors crafting for settlements.
If you wanted to create your own house in a settlement, as it is now, it's not your own private house. Any settler can walk in and use your bed. Give us the option to make locked doors so that your house is strictly YOUR house.
Also, Junk Gates can easily be opened by invaders and your settlers. So a locking gate will help keep intruders out.
- Reach through broken windows on locked doors.
Several locked doors in the game have broken windows. Give us a perk where, if your Intelligence is high enough, you can reach through the door and unlock it from the other side. To make it somewhat fair, give it different levels, like the first level makes you bleed and lose life, the second level simply hurts you a little, and the third one lets you reach through it without trouble. Or, like the lockpicking and hacking perks, different levels allow you to do that with different doors (like the second level of the perk lets you do that with average-difficulty locked doors.
Seriously, why did you guys get rid of this feature?!
Anything else you guys can think of?