Hey guys. Where can I get the .308 ammo in some large portions ( not 5 or 10 bullets) ?
Hey guys. Where can I get the .308 ammo in some large portions ( not 5 or 10 bullets) ?
whats large to you? The vendors in diamond city, and goodneighbor usually sell 20+ rounds each...other than that, it can be somewhat scarce..
Oh , ok thx. I was thinking something around 40-50 but I guess that's just a wish lol
well I've seen once in a while, the dude at Diamond City, and KLEO (and sometimes the chick there) at goodneighbor have around 30-50..dont recall the traders at bunker hill, but I believe Cricket has a fair amount usually as well...I do know the vendor on the Prydwen doesn't sell many at all (rarely more than 10)..
I believe its level dependent as well, I don't remember finding it in decent amounts till I was in the 30+ range. and now in the 90's I can't even go below 1,000 rounds unless I go full auto
get the scrounge perk (even just the first rank) and you will be finding extra ammo all over the place.. the perk also counts humans as containers so raiders and such will be carrying extra ammo
The perk doesn't cover energy weapon ammo (and according to wiki 10mm and shotgun cell are oddly not on the list) and the 4th rank seems to be bugged but you should be finding enough "common" ammo that you can just sell them to buy EW ammo if needed later on.
I recall running out of .308 in the beginning of the game. Eventually I got rich and stopped using it... Wish it was at least somewhat as common as .38 which there is so much of and it isn't really useful other than for caps.
1) Trashcan Carla generally has 10-20 rounds for sale, and she stops by Sanctuary Hills every day.
2) Drumlin Diner just South of Concord usually has 10-20 rounds available every day.
3) Build a Level 3 Weapons booth (Emporium) in every settlement. Costs 3000 bottlecaps + materials, but it provides 50-150 rounds every day. (For a price, but everything worth having comes with a price tag.)