So I started a quest to venture out to the south and east. I found myself at Jamaica Plains and cleared the ghouls out and found the treasure. I decide to go out to have a look around and spotted a car going into the air and then to the ground several times. I decided to see what it was all about. Boom! a building blows up. Some guy was brewing moonshine. I spotted a church off the east and headed that way only to be ambushed by three gunners. Dealt what was to become of me to them and headed off once more. Only to be ambushed by some Children of The Atom. Done the deed once more and found a couple of gamma guns for myself and Piper. Went up to the steeple to have a look around and spotted something that what would become a Behemoth. So I sat there and sniped him with my .308 and eventually got him only to be distracted by this building in this town that I do not know. So I once again had my .308 out began blasting away once again. They don't like me any more those raiders. So my question is what is the place I am at? I can see Quincy quarry and Jamaica Plains and some school.