I bought Fallout 4 Christmas day and still have not been able to save in-progress game. I've read and implemented several recommendations, but nothing has worked. Please provide links to other forum posts or provide me recommendations. Below is a summary of what I've done to date and what I'm experiencing. I have PC version... using Steam platform.
Game Progress Save Issue
1) During game install - Game does NOT create a Fallout 4 directory under "my games" - similar to other Steam games. I created one - hoping that would allow me to save. It did not work.
2) I've granted directories/sub directories in the following areas full access to all groups: /My Groups/ & /common/Fallout4/
3) I've updated Steam to start Fallout4 as administrator
Game Full Screen Issue
4) I've changed the fallout4prefs.ini game file settings (per other forum recommendations). My screen is set at 1080x1920. I have an MSI 390 8GB graphics board