I have to side with the feedback the OP is getting on this thread.
If you want the a harder difficulty setting, address things that will really add difficulty.
As has been pointed out, Food, Water, and Sleep, are easy to come by and don't add to difficulty. They can add to immersion, but they aren't hard to do.
Again, as someone else mentioned, removing the Power Armor would be a decent way to increase the difficulty since you wouldn't have an alternate Hazmat suit that gives you even greater protection from Rads and additionally protects from pretty much ever other kind of damage you'll receive, be it falling damage, radiation, energy, projectile, etc.
Given your suggestions one could easily suggest that only pipe weapons be used, thereby greatly reducing max damage from weapons and restricting the damage type to just projectile.
I have to be in the feedback group though and wonder why you even started this thread since you say in one of your comments that you don't think Bethesda will actually implement this in any case.
I could just assume that you are not on a PC, and so lack the ability to install Mods, and are indulging in fantastic denial since the reality is that this will not be implemented and you can't Mod your way there any time soon.
This could just be a Trolling Thread though....