Thanks for all the responses.
I had thought we needed the water pumps in order to grow crops. I have 3 pumps for each row of crops -- and I assigned settlers to take care of them.
It's strange they will tend the plants but they will not harvest them.
We have to do that manually.
It isn't a bug, necessarily, but rather a deficiency. The settlers who tend the crops should harvest them and put the results in the workshop.
It takes way too much time to go to each settlement and harvest your crops every day.
I've got about 4 settlements and it takes all morning just going back and forth harvesting and making adhesive because you can't do anything to armor or guns without adhesive. THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH ADHESIVE.
Have to keep adding shacks and beds to keep the people happy. I do turn off the recruitment beacons when I think there are enough settlers but it seems some just wander in and sometimes I decide I need more tato plants and have to turn it back on and get more settlers or create another settlement and those take too much time away from questing.
It's like you have to choose being being a Sim City wannabe and spend your time building and enhancing settlements ( which is ok if you like that type of game ) or questing to achieve the games objectives.
Difficult to do both.
But apparently I could scrap most of those water pumps. At Sanctuary I have a couple of them in the river -- big ones but other places aren't close enough to the water so I need a few of those hand pumps but they don't need to be where the crops are. I suppose the settlers haul water to the plants as part of tending them.