So decided to drink the koolaide....What's up with walls? Trying to create a wall all around Red Rocket GS and it seems like the area limits make that impossible...Nothing snaps properly at the edge of the limits.. Or am I doing it wrong lol....
So decided to drink the koolaide....What's up with walls? Trying to create a wall all around Red Rocket GS and it seems like the area limits make that impossible...Nothing snaps properly at the edge of the limits.. Or am I doing it wrong lol....
The best thing to do is to start at one corner when placing your walls; I start off with concrete foundations that I setup pretty high. If set too high then you will get instances where the concrete wall floats above the ground and you will have visible gaps. To combat this I set a wooden staircase (in the floors section) and snap it right against the wall that way I can snap in a concrete wall to fill in the gap.
Just snap the walls together as you wrap around Red Rocket (fill in any gaps between the ground and the wall along the way) and everything will fit together.
Just be aware that in large settlements like Sanctuary, raider spawn points are within the settlement itself. Thus enemies can bypass your perimeter wall. That does not stop be from build perimeter walls though since that is how I fortify my settlements. I am sure a mod will be released that will move spawn points outside of the settlement itself.
The gaps can be ridiculous, you'd think they'd have figured out a better snap to ground system...
I agree that, sometimes there can be gaps, but, the mat trick works on walls as well.
On some of my smaller ones, I like to use the concrete foundations and just use regular walls as opposed to the junk walls. That way they're pretty seamless (I always have so much concrete since I never really use it for anything else). The nice part about that method is that it's pretty easy to put in gates using the mat method and you can still place your towers and turret platforms high enough to shoot over the walls.
Just my thought.
Yes the shack foundations (in the wooden buildings/floors) make great walls, since you can either place defences on top of them or buildings to encircle those crops and water production.....I've never used the junk walls since, an alternative is the wooden foundations (forgot the actual name) which you can place the wooden house walls along the outside to make a wooden wall with space for defences or buildings on top.
The best option with the red rocket is to build up, there is a fairly large flat roof surface to build on...... the concrete walls with a mix of defences and housing works also to leave lots of room for crops.
The wooden bridge is very useful.....although I've never used it as a bridge, mainly I use it so my housing doesn't look like it floating when the second storey is much larger than the first as you can fit them quite tightly under the elevated floor.
Was trying to do a steel wall around Red Rocket and it just doesn't seem to work due to the terrain west side of the building. Puts the wall to close to the building. What pisses me off is that I can't angle a wall in any direction. It just automatically snaps to...
I don't really bother with walls... I just make buildings because the shack floors are better for snapping...
hmmmm....Not seeing concrete foundations in there....You using a mod?
You can, if you're careful. Try the mat method. It does wonders and helps with snap.
Nope. Go to Wood prefabs and floors. I think it's the 3rd or 4th one to the right. It looks like a big cube with a wood top.
There are a few ways to "Force Clipping"
1st works on consoles as well,
Place a Welcome Matt on the Ground and then place the object you want to force clip on top of that. Now look at the 'welcome matt' HOLD down the activate key for a while...This picks up the Matt plus whatever is on top of it.
Everything that was attached to the matt now respects the collision of the Matt only.
This allows you to clip everything else.
Your on a Personal Computer,
Download Auto Hot-keys
Download 'Precise object moving and rotation'
Place the object however you want in whatever you want exactly how you want it. I have made coaches you can sleep on, toilettes that you sit on, windows with doors that act like working shutters, placed objects out of the boundaries of the settlement, piled static clutter inside cabinets, fridges, shelves, literally have a fully stocked bar, cooking station with so much meat hanging everywhere you'd think you were at the butcher IRL, and just there isn't much you cant do with this thing.
Sorry but that mod is just beyond great for people who want to really go hog wild with building stuff....Heck I built a wall using stacked furniture and it looked like a classic barricade out of a movie.
Not within, exactly. There are only two spawn points: the bridge leading out of the town and between the two blue houses left to the road. I put up posts between the front corners of these houses, and keeps them from coming in. It's comical to watch ghouls pile up at the spot and my heavy lasers taking them out, with a final touch of a missile launch.
I also have spawns on the far side of the circle between the two destroyed houses and in the gap behind my old house and the neighbor, as well as the bridge and the two houses on the left (when you're coming in - by the one where the chemistry station was originally).