Would a female cat be okay? Name of Princess Cecilia, Empress of the Universe. Cissy to friends.
Would a female cat be okay? Name of Princess Cecilia, Empress of the Universe. Cissy to friends.
Yes, I do happen to understand the term, but you were the one that said " You're kidding yourself if you think everyone here's an advlt." As it turns out you were wrong, and please don't try to play the advlts don't play games card now either.
Just a point on the age thing...In Australia, the average age of gamers is increasing, it's now up to the 32-35 years range, with an estimated 3-5 million advlt gamers (out of @25 mil population). That's for 'real' gamers, with PC's and consoles, not including mobile/cell phone games. Granted that those figures are very rubbery, but the polling returns consistent results regardless.
Male, 49 years young.
Gamer since the Atari 2600 days.
I never said it'd be the biggest category. What I said was that it'd be disproportionately big since people under that age group will pick that.
When you follow that up with a statement like " You're kidding yourself if you think everyone here's an advlt." you give the impression that you expect the kiddie category to be proportionately larger than other categories. I think most people reading this thread took it that way, judging by the responses.
Where is the age 18 and under? My son plays and he is 14.
I would assume people would just put that into the youngest age. I was surprised by it too considering this forum allows people under 18 to post and there is actually quite a number of players under 18 that play.
Welcome to the forums. Haven't seen this done in ages, here is a Fishy Stick for you.
*edit* Just so you don't think I am weird, when someone just started the forums way back in Morrowind days, we all got Fishy Sticks.
Well now we can use Xbox Live Party or what ever PS4 version is (I don't know what it's called) and not sure if PC users can but at least now we can communicate and play when we are glued to our games.
I actually did this for the first time the other day with my son. We bother playing Fallout 4 and he showed me how to use Xbox Party for the first time. Man am I old and out of how these features work.
I stopped counting years past 20..
Why not?
I'll sure still be gaming when I reach that age. The only thing that'll keep that from happening is either the grim reaper or parkinson/alzhemier/whatever.
Male, 50-something.
I'd also be curious as to where people are from. I assume a lot are from NA and specifically the US, but I know there are many from EU and other places.
First thing i checked the results Then i voted!
Impressive and really unexpected results for me.
Male 44. It all started with an Atari 2600 in the early 80's.
Male , 44 , PC. Playing computer games since 1983.
I doubt that they are restricted. They've been around as long as I've been here. Every Bethesda game has had them, and usually many threads per game.
My age group, 29-35, is the largest! I'm surprised by this. I actually played 1 & 2, but not 3 or NV. I probably should download them since they're cheap to buy now.