OP - does your ISP have some form of Traffic Management Policy? You have have exceeded the "reasonable" allocation for a time period and are now being throttled.
On my Virgin Media 152down/12up connection in the UK, it took about 40 minutes to download but I made sure I was off-peak while doing so.
Here in AK we finally got 1 gig down in the city... you can average 650 mbps. i take my Xbox One to work to download stuff now. I wish we didnt get throttled after 600 gigs!
Mail me your console and i'll have it done in 30 minutes!
It just took several minutes to actually load up the Steam Store page for me...
I'm used to mere fraction of a second...So I gotta say its obvious that people are using it heavily today.
Also 25 gigs is a lot to download in US...Even with good internet we are not all living in the city.
yeah i had a three hour download for the update...really [censored] internet out in the boonies. I'd hate to have to download the whole game from steam, so i got the xbox 1 version.
There are times when living in NoNameTown USA is a great thing. Google fiber needs to come here. But at 1.1 million heads in the county we aren't really on the Beta list. I'm happy with FiOS though, in fact I'll never willingly move to a location that they don't service.
Same here, i have to commute but i like the middle of NoNameTown! Really? Wow, Anchorage (big city) only has a head count of just over 400k... and they are getting the 1 gig now. Hopefully they will run it to my city soon enough!!
I live just south of KC. You'd think I'd have good speed especially with Google Fiber so close.
It took me several days to get Drake's Fortune. It was only around 10GB more than Fallout 4 so I have no sympathy for you.
I'd be in 7th Heaven if I could have gotten it in 8 hours.
Have to laugh at this. When I was a teenager, 600 Megs per month was more than enough for most people and when my kids are teenagers, they will be complaining that 600 teras (Terabyte) per month is not enough.
You 'mericans need to put pressure on your politicians to bring out some laws of minimum stable speeds that isn't a decade old, and open up the market, so other ISP's have a chance to buy in, and offer better prices.
Anyways, Steam is prob overloaded here in the holidays, and they are struggling with some security issues as well. Just have to endure I guess
Hahaha, i'm sure i'll be saying the same thing in about ten years or so... Thats the price i pay for not having cable and only using Netflix! It would cost me twice as much if i had a standard DVR box at my house for cable TV... Gotta love Alaska.
I downloaded it on launch day. Took about an hour on a 90 Mbps connection. 3 hours @ 30 Mbps sounds about right.
It happens unfortunately. I got Witcher 3 for Christmas and its about 60% complete after 8 hours.
Really annoying that games take that long to update now but it is what it is.