If so, how?
If so, how?
If you are on PC, you can select the object, corpse or dust pile in console, and type in disable. If you are on console, they will never leave, if they were there before.
Killed attackers will disappear after a time (3 days in game I think). Bodies which are part of the world (i.e. were there when you first arrived at this place) cannot be moved or deleted, except using the console. You can move them (its a matter of strength, so use a Power Armor to do it, if you cannot without) but as soon as you leave the place, the bodies will 'despawn' and when you come back to this map segment, they will respawn as dead NPC in exact the same place. I hope they will fix this.
I just found this mod that I'm about to try.
lol...yeah I wasted a few hours getting rid of the ones I found...creepy when you have to sleep next to one.
Croup Manor is the bane of my life in this game. I've moved the corpses of ghouls I originally killed liberating the place so many times & they always come back in the same position where they originally died. One of the ghouls is hanging down from the rafters in the ceiling. Getting him out was no easy task, only for him to return to station the next time I come back to the manor. In the game Dishonored, you could feed corpses to the hungry piranhas or a mischief of rats, which I thought was a nice touch. On the plus side, the flies that accumulate over a corpse after a short time was good attention to detail.
My name is Walt and I approve this message.
If only because of how cool it sounds.