Last night I was playing and used a shotgun with 50 damage. When I shot someone with the shotgun or my 37 damage weapon, it barely took away their health. The bad guys were right in front of me, so the shotgun was point blank but was not killing them or even taking away much of their health. The weird part is that when I would hit the bad guy, their health dropped significantly. I was better off hitting the bad guys instead of shooting them. This happened with several of them, so it was not a 1 time fluke.
I read an article here that was talking about how great the Instigating gun (I believe that was it), is and that you will do so much better with it. i got the gun and the damage was around 12, but doubled damage if the person you shot was at full health. The problem is that it is only 24 damage when I double it, yet my shotgun is around 50 damage.
If my damage on my shotgun is 50, how does me hitting the guy do more damage? One of my guns has a bayonet, so I understand why it does so much Melee damage but my shotgun does not have one and it was doing more damage with hitting the npc.
Why is a gun with such low damage being listed as a powerful weapon in the game? I just don't feel like 24 damage is that great.
I have used the mods with the weapons bench, and I thought my damage was great. After fighting last night, it was obvious I needed more fire power.
Is there a specific gun i need to be on the lookout for? What am I missing about weapons and damage?