Can't decide on build, ruining my game, please help

Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:21 pm

Hey y'all... So I keep creating new characters with different builds because I keep thinking there's a build I will wanna do more and it's annoying as hell because I'm not leveling. My first character got to level 30 or so, I had absolutely no direction of where I invested points with that one. I have another character that got to level 30, a build focused on high luck and perception using rifles to get lots of crits, but that got boring. I can't decide on a new build to go with and just enjoy the game. Any advice?
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kitten maciver
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:21 am

Try doing an explosives expert. With shotguns for close up work, using the legendary explosive prefix.

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Eibe Novy
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Post » Mon Jan 18, 2016 9:03 pm

What about trying a different approach entirely? A no-build build. Whenever you level, just put a point into whatever you want or think you need at the time. No pre-planning allowed. Oh and start out with everything at 4 so no special stat has any priority over any other at the beginning.

You could also get a multi-sided die and assign each perk a unique number. Then when you level, roll the die and take that perk. If you already have the perk and roll the number, then take a new rank in it if you can. If too low level, then roll again.

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Katie Samuel
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:31 am

I know the feeling. Can't count the number of times I've restarted because it just felt "eh" about my build, like it's too simple and not interesting enough, or I feel overly limited, like I'm always spending my first 20 or so points into the same darn things over and over and over.

I'm actually taking my current character and just setting themselves up with automatics without any perks into commando just to see how well they do on normal, whipping out semi-autos (level 3 rifleman) when things get too spongy. I'm curious if I really need damage perks - my automatic pipe rifle seems to burn through enemies that aren't super mutant brutes just fine, which is unexpected. Never mind that I'm also getting away with wearing a drifter outfit, black rimmed glasses and militia hat, my only protection coming from level 3 toughness and level 3 life giver. Of course, I'm playing on normal (just fine for me.)

I'm thinking my beef is I don't like feeling like I'm shoehorned into a single weapon type. The key point I took from here is to look at what perks I find myself inevitably picking up then banning myself from training them. Alternatively, I could ask myself which perks I solely go for in a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. tree with each play through and console them in for free. Using my earlier dilemma, regarding perks like rifleman, gunslinger and commando, I could even put a point into one, and just console in the matching rank for the other two to increase my damage but not restrict myself to a weapon type. I also don't agree with Bethesda that local leader should have ever been a perk. Thinking next game I'll just console that one onto my character for free so I don't feel compelled to drop 5 points into charisma just to make settlement building tolerable, or alternatively I could just console 10 points into each category and then the whole list is mine to play with and I don't have to eat ~50 points (read, 50 levels) just maxing out every S.P.E.C.I.A.L stat. BONUS: Bobbleheads will put me over the limit, instead of just spare me a level.

After ye many play-throughs or play through attempts, Oneself is allowed to bend the rules to keep things fun (it's a single player, who's going to judge you anyway?) That's kind of Bethesda's shtick.

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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:39 am

Thank you all for the replies. I will consider all of your ideas, and your thoughts are much appreciated
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kitten maciver
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:16 am

Myself, I always like going with the "Do Things" build.

Basically, anything that will let me affect my environment in a positive way.

All the Perks that allow you to tinker with your weapons, armor, your Companions weapons, etc.

Anything that lets you pass Skill Checks.

All the stuff that lets you do more with your Settlements.

This has the effect of making you relatively weak in combat, at least early on, but the game is easy enough that all that fully modded out gear will more than make up for it.

It's not optimal, but there is just this satisfaction in being able to do literally ANYTHING.

Plus, the extra combat challenges actually make the game more fun and interesting, for me, anyway.

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