It used to be that you could get him out of his power armor and actually equip different armors for him.. like if you wanted to go stealth and quiet in leather. The heavy CLUNK CLUNK CLUNK of power armor does tend to give away your position...
So you could have him unequipall, and he would be this horrible slenderman paladin but telling him to sit in a chair, or sleep in a bed swapped him to a proper body. Suddenly Danse can't interact with furniture. Can't sit, can't sleep.. you get the picture.
I've tried different characters, uninstalling all mods, always the same thing. "I can't do that" "That's impossible" or "Negative".. So, someone please tell me if they've heard anything about it, or know some kind of work-around. I'm stumped and a little tired of the Tin Man following me.
Thanks in advance,