So I've had New Vegas for awhile and started playing with mods. I made sure my load order was fine, and then ran into issues when I installed a new monitor. So I tried fixing it with mods thinking the game was the problem and even tried the Nexus Mod Manager to fix it but all this lead up to was the game now refusing to play. I press play in whatever launcher, FOMM or default and all it does is exit immediately to desktop not even getting into the game, I fixed the issue with my monitor so all my other games run smoothly but now with NW even after I reinstalled it, it still won't work. I even tried to deleting all my mods can someone please tell me what I must do, because now I'm stuck.
My rig:
GPU-GeForce GTX 970
CPU-Intel® Core i5-4690k CPU @ 3.50GHz
Memory-8.00 GB Ram
Current Resolution-1920 x 1080, 60Hz
Driver Version-358.91
Operating System-Windows 7 Ultimate