DC and other Comic Brands

Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:58 pm

I bought something today https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/944064_997593546967181_4973416583209790996_n.jpg?oh=ee303d342b519e4bc633c1933af78819&oe=57490B5D and the odd thing about it is, I don't own a solid DC comic on either characters except for the New 52 Suicide Squad comic (which kicked ass btw). However I had watch the Justice League TAS, Batman TAS and so on. I have watched LP's of people playing games like Batman Arkham Series (which got me hooked on the DC) and I also watch Linkara's videos which goes over different types of bad comics.

So when it come to the DC universe my favorite characters are:

Batman: Mostly thanks to Kwing and his walkthrough of the Arkham games ^_^.

Superman: I practically grew up with the Christopher Reeves Superman movies so no brainer here :D.

Wonder {aka Mander*} Woman: I don't own ANY Wonder Woman comics but I'm familiar with her, I like this character because of her Greek inspired background.

Supergirl: Thanks to CBS's new series I've became a fan of the show :D.

* If you're wander why I called Wonder Woman "Mander Woman"? Well you can thank Injustice for that: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BFXBZH2mc9U/maxresdefault.jpg.


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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:52 am

The coolest thing about Bethesda is that Zenimax Chairman and CEO Robert Altman is married to Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter).

She's even voiced a few characters throughout "Oblivion" and "Skyrim".

Alas, Frank Miller revived "The Dark Knight" with a gritty edgy version of Batman in "The Dark Knight Returns" in 1986.

Unfortunately DC have been trying to revive the rest of their universe with a "gritty edgy version" ever since with limited success (though Arrow is cool).

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Theodore Walling
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:20 pm

Yeah, I never bought any DC supers comics*, but I did watch many of the Batman movies, the Wonder Woman TV show in the 70's/80's, and Batman:TAS. (Well, and the old crappy Justice League silliness. I was a kid :tongue:)

When I did buy supers comics, it was Marvel. But still not many - when I was young, I just grabbed random comics from the convenience store rack, whenever I was downtown with my mother (this is back when comics were 40 cents). So I ended up with a mixed bunch of random stuff - Ghost Rider, Defenders, odd stuff. The Star Wars movie adaptation. I did try to follow Rom:Space Knight and Micronauts. Later when I had more ability to really focus on things, I got GIJoe and some of the New Universe comics. So overall, not a great deal of the "real" superhero stuff. TV-wise, I watched the typical Marvel cartoons in the 80's and early 80's - Spider Man & Amazing Friends, those short Iron Man/Hulk things, and some of the early X-Men.

In the 90's and early 00's, thought, it switched over to Vertigo comics (Sandman, Lucifer, House of Mystery, Books of Magic....), manga (Ghost in the Shell, Battle Angel, Dirty Pair...), and indie stuff like Bone. So more Sci-Fi/Fantasy, rather than supers.

And then kind of died out on the whole comics thing. :tongue: It doesn't help that I never really followed any of the infinitely-running comics, or the major universes. Reading Vertigo & indie stuff, lots of things were 4-12 issue mini-series. When it hit the point that I was looking at the monthly flyers trying to find something new to read, and I was maybe picking stuff so that I'd be getting something (rather than because I really thought it sounded interesting)? Yeah.

Haven't really gotten in to all the more modern live TV shows. I've seen all the Marvel movies, but never quite got into Agents of Shield. Don't have any of the pay sources of the other shows. And haven't watched any of the DC stuff (Arrow, Flash, Smallville, etc). And yeah, moviewise - all the official Marvel stuff, none of the X-men after 3, none of the Spiderman or Fantastic Fours..... and for DC, only the Burton & Nolan Batman movies - none of the Superman stuff or their attempts at making their own "shared universe".

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Tyler F
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:45 pm

I remember Spider-Man on "The Electric Company".

He never said much...

He didn't have to.

He once captured a Yeti by leaving a trail of ice cream cones (flat bottomed obviously) on the side walk.

The Yeti followed the trail, sitting on each one in turn until he was captured by a web...

That was live action and I remember a Live Action Spider Man show... then of course there was The Hulk...

I was thinking did anyone besides "Wonder Woman" on the DC side get their own show... but of course there's "Captain Marvel" or (for legal reasons) "Shazam".

That was it for a while until "The Flash" caught up with John Wesley Shipp.

Always read and preferred Marvel when it came to comics though.

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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:00 am

There was the '66 campy Batman series (which I forgot about, I watched that in reruns in the 70's. :tongue:). And Lois & Clark was Superman before Smallville. (If you go back further, there were the black & white Superman shows / movies / etc, and the Superman radio plays.)

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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:21 pm

Isn't sandman a dc comic? Thats a pretty awesome story.

The superman and batman cartoons that came on in the late 90s were also pretty cool.

I'm not much of a comic reader, the only reason i read any of them was because my american lit teacher thought i'd like the watchmen. I also read sandman because Neil gaiman wrote it, and that cat writes a pretty good story.

I've seen every marvel movie i think, the interconnected movie premise is pretty neat imo.

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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:04 pm

Huh----I never knew that interesting.

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Veronica Flores
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:18 pm

She crops up a lot as a consequence: I guess I was surprised that she voiced both the shouty Nords in Oblivion, leading to a wariness where I'd think "bugger, I'm speaking to a Nord woman, better take my headphones off", as well as the singer in FO4's The Third Rail.

Then again, I was similarly surprised when I discovered that the similarly deafening Jennifer Hale didn't only do Shouty Shepard but also voiced Rosalind Lutece and Krem.
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