Having played only Oblivion and Skyrim out of the ES series, I decided to explore the roots. Boy was I in for a surprise. I got killed by a rat in the beginning dungeon because I couldn't figure out how to attack.
Anyway, once I've figured out how attacking works, I've since escaped the dungeon and found myself in Roseguard. But things are mightily confusing at this point and I would like some answers before I dare go back to this game.
1) Is the starting city always the same, for a given province? Meaning, is Roseguard the first thing to see in Hammerfell?
2) I stumbled into this city during the night. I really hope this is the reason there are no people and I can't get inside homes (there was also something about some superstition the locals had of this particular night related to evil spirits!!! Jesus, what have I gotten into...). What can I do to finally see some non-hostile people? I can't camp for some reason. Do I just wait for dawn?
3) What is the item called "Mark"? It seems to have some charges but it doesn't say what they are charges OF. By some stroke of luck, when I used this Mark, I got fully healed. Was that just insane luck, or is this the purpose of the item?
4)Is there any reason to explore every location on the global map(once I get to it), as in pieces of lore that would build a bigger picture for the future games? Or are they just there for experience points and loot?