So dishonored is a fantastic game. I love playing it, and am currently working on a dishonored compilation video on my Xbox. But I've encountered a problem. On the computer you can get mods for the game which would allow someone to have all the abilities, as well as all upgrades, and all bone charms active. So my problem is that this option simply isn't available on the xbox one. I would love to do videos on all missions with all the abilities. But big abilities like bend time, pull, etc are hard to get, and you can't get them until later missions. This makes good videos hard to do because im limited to later missions in order to have good abilities. So my question is (and I know you busy with fallout right now.) Could you add a sandbox mode option for missions that have been beaten. It could simply have max runes to unlock abilities, and all the bone charms obtained, plus all possible upgrades available with max money to purchase those, and inventory items. Achievements should be disabled for this. I know I'm asking a lot here, and I'm probably the only one who's asking for this. But I do think that something like this would add replay value to the game, as well as improve overall fun of each replay. Another option to accommodate such an idea would be a "new game plus" with each play through allowing more ability unlocks, and money gain for upgrades. In this manner one would have to work for a maxed out character. Just an idea.