1. What is the wierdest thing you would want in New Vegas
2. What don't you want to see in New Vegas
3. What weapon would you want to see (existant or non-existant)
4. What Pre-Order pack is best/should I get (FYI I like stealth and ninja stuff if it matters)
5. What would be the coolest enemy/mutant you can think of
6. How much armor customization do you want
Answer all of them or 1 I'm just curious.
1. A very detailed alcohol,drugs, and gambling system, also traits revolving around being drunk. like angry drunk: raises str 2+ end 2+ per-3 chr-3 added with the effects of drinking alcohol standardly. Dizzy Drunk when drunk Luc 2+ Chr 2+ AGL -3 INT -3 also added to the effects of using alcohol standardly it would just add on to the effect plussing or minusing special. Also more options, actions that increase or decrease odds in gambling, play with about anyone at gambling out in the wastes and if you get caught cheating or suspected cheating(winning to much) theyll try to kill or kick your ***. More drug effects when your high.
2. A ****** plot
3. A laser beam sniper rifle, like said many times b4. bow and arrows/spears(melee)
4.caravan for me, no ninja like stuff cept maybe the tribal with mechete and throwing spears but if you get caravan you get lightweight leather.
5. Super mutant with two heads, or 3, and maybe a couple of arms or so.
6. enough to at least change color add things to apparel but thats to much.