anyone else wondering about these? the first ones i saw were near 81. saw some near olivia too. is this a mistake? or is it an indicator that someone in dlc has working vehicles? tire tracks in dirt don't last 200 years.
anyone else wondering about these? the first ones i saw were near 81. saw some near olivia too. is this a mistake? or is it an indicator that someone in dlc has working vehicles? tire tracks in dirt don't last 200 years.
Just like they never showed Cavalry in Skyrim, there are A LOT of things Bethesda isn't showing us that obviously would be inevitable creations. One such item would be carts and carriages that would use an automobile chassis with rubber tires. So what is actually missing are the brahmin tracks placed between the tire tracks.
now that i'm really curious i'm seeing them everywhere. some near bunker theta indicate a 3 point turn.
ehh no way skeletons would be laying about for 200 years and many other things, it's just for looks.